Your core business, which you are likely really good at, have invested substantially in, and which ordinarily gives you a decent return suffers greatly when you divert your time, effort, money and mental energy to things that someone else could do better, easier, faster and probably less expensively than you.
Sometimes it can also be difficult to be as good as you’d like to be in as many things as you need to be; and even if you’re already as good as you’d like to be, the cost of maintaining capacity for such performance could be harming your potential in other areas that harbour a greater return for you. It could also be causing you to bear costs and risks you don’t really have to.
Some activities also take you more time than you can really afford, or require you to maintain idle capacity waiting for that time that you'll need them done.
This is what makes outsourcing a strategic business decision.
Please contact us to discuss specific requirements
OR schedule an initial, no obligation, online meeting
We take up our clients' mission-critical but non-core operations, leaving them to focus on what they have developed their greatest competencies in.
Because we work with a broad range of clients, we are able to bring to each client engagement, the experience and insight that any one individual client's dedicated operation would find it difficult to match.
We maintain a qualified, well trained and competent team in our outsourcing function, that works closely with clients to achieve their business goals. Each client engagement is directly managed by Site Supervisor, who is the key contact person for the client, and through who the client is able to maintain communication on the assignment, as well as obtain the level of service they desire.
Our Business Process Outsourcing is structured around four areas, within which different clients weave different outsourcing solutions depending on their specific requirements:

Performance management
Strategy implementation, monitoring and evaluation
Project management, monitoring and evaluation.

Business support services
Finance, accounting and compliance
Shipping and logistics
General Admin

HR management
Payroll, compensation, benefits and compliance
Personnel records
Time, attendance and leave management
Performance management
Learning and development
Market management
Customer service
Help desk
- Sales management
There is a common, misplaced, notion that you outsource that which is "not important" in your business; "not a priority", or that which you do not know how to do. On the contrary, business process outsourcing is a decision at the heart of the business and it must demonstrate real benefits to the business. Our business process outsourcing methodology aims to establish seamless integration of work activities, with the least possible disruption at any one time
Business process review and needs assessment
We start with a comprehensive review of the business processes of interest, isolating the multiple objectives each stage aims to achieve, and taking special note of key performance indicators of each.
We also seek to understand the business' motivations for outsourcing and the strategic objectives the outsourcing is aimed to achieve.
Terms of reference and Service level agreement
To establish the business outsourcing relationship, we develop and agree upon the assignment's Terms of Reference (TOR) based on the business process review and needs assessment.
These TORs are further distilled into a comprehensive Service Level Agreement (SLA) which is what will hence govern our relationship with the client.
Transition and process transfer
The Transition stage is a vital one. This involves the structured transfer of authority and responsibility from the client to ourselves, accompanied with the relevant communication to all concerned parties.
Every measure is put in this stage to ensure minimal disruption to business operations, and to ensure that various risks are contained.
SLA compliance and account management
Having transferred the business processes of interest the SLA kicks in to see that mutual obligations between the client and ourselves are met.
We maintain a Site Supervisor for each client engagement, as the key contact person for the client, and through who the client is able to maintain communication on the assignment, as well as obtain the level of service they desire. The Site Supervisor reports to the Client Services Manager, who is responsible to SLA compliance.
Different clients will be looking to achieve different things through our business process outsourcing solution. The following quick questions might help to start off the process:
How many people do you have in your organisation?
What are their individual roles?
How long does it take to execute these roles?
What amount of management time do these roles demand?
How well do you feel the processes they handle are executed?
How much does it currently cost in absolute terms?
What other costs accrue to the current work structure?
What would the people carrying these roles do if they didn't have to do what they're currently doing?
What are the risks of outsourcing these roles?
How can the attendant risks of outsourcing these roles be minimised?
IT IS IMPORTANT TO EMPHASISE that outsourcing does not necessarily translate to an absolute cost saving. The real gains from business process outsourcing lie in the increased individual and collective productivity; increased individual and collective output; increased process efficiency; increased reliability improved governance, and ultimately business continuity. This is why the net returnn of the outsourcing decision has to be accurately computed before the decision to outsource is made. Cost reduction alone is, therefore, not a good reason to consider process outsourcing.